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sketchbooks exhibition

The sketchbooks installation is a touring exhibition and based on my PhD research. The configuration of the installation is very flexible making it a suitable exhibition for all kinds of gallery spaces. The number of videos included in each new reincarnation of the exhibition varies depending on the specifics of each exhibition space. The total number is thirteen and consists of videos made from interviews with the following artists: Elina Brotherus, Stephen Farthing, Dennis Gilbert, Nigel Hall, Eileen Hogan, Anne Howeson, Dale Inglis, Seppo Lagom, William Raban, Michael Sandle, Stephen Scrivener, Naomi Shaw and Chris Wainwright. Sketchbooks seen below are by the artists interviewed.

“Inevitably a notebook, in the context of an exhibition, is presented as a static object. What you are
doing is far more revealing; turning and changing the image,
that’s how they live. They become alive like that.”

Nigel Hall RA in an interview with Elisa Alaluusua
December 2011, London

Slice of Sketchbooks / Si(i)vu Luonnoskirjoista
Jan 2020
Gallery Kopio, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland

Presenting     9-17 Jan: Sketchbooks of Seppo Lagom (15:35) & Sketchbooks of Anne Howeson (10:18).

                      18-23 Jan: Sketchbooks of Elina Brotherus (12:36) & Sketchbooks of Chris Wainwright (14:43)

Sketchbooks featuring in dRAWing strength
curated by Jo Lane and Jeannette Davison
Montsalvat, Melbourne, Australia
16 November 2018 - 6 January 2019
drawing strength 1 entrance.jpg

Presenting: sketchbooks of Stephen Farthing; sketchbooks of Anne Howeson; sketchbooks of William Raban. Photo courtesy of Jo Lane.

Sketchbooks featuring in AL VIF (FROM LIFE)
curated by Sharon Lacey, hosted by SPACEUS
Faneuil Hall, Boston, MA, US
23 May - 28 May 2018
spaceus edit1.jpg

Including (L-R): sketchbooks of Stephen Scrivener; sketchbooks by Dennis Gilbert; sketchbooks by Naomi Shaw

Sketchbooks - Revelation
with works from Nigel Hall, Eileen Hogan, Dale Inglis and Michael Sandle
Art Space Gallery, London, UK
Kindly supported by
The Finnish Institute in London &
Embassy of Finland London
9 February - 9 March 2018
press release

Sketchbooks (L-R) by Dale Inglis, Eileen Hogan and Michael Sandle (the video sketchbooks by Nigel Hall is also included in the exhibition)

Art Space doc

Art Space doc

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Art Space Gallery doc longer 7:40min

Art Space Gallery doc longer 7:40min

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A short documentation of the exhibition at Art Space Gallery. For a longer video clic here: 

Hall Inglis Hogan Sandle

Hall Inglis Hogan Sandle

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Excerpts from the videos in the exhibition: sketchbooks of Nigel Hall; sketchbooks of Dale Inglis; sketchbooks of Eileen Hogan; sketchbooks of Michael Sandle

Sketchbooks: An Obsession
Drawing Projects UK, Trowbridge, UK
Kindly supported by
The Finnish Institute in London
February-March 2017

Names below each exhibition section indicate the artists in question starting from the top photograph and moving from left to right: Farthing, Howeson / Hall, Sandle / Shaw, Sandle.

Sketchbooks: An Obsession / Click for a text accompanying the DPUK exhibition

The exhibition Sketchbooks: An Obsession finished with an event hosted by Drawing Projects UK where the artists (R-L) Anita Taylor, Michael Sandle RA and Nigel Hall RA joined Elisa Alaluusua to discuss sketchbooks and their role within their practice. The panel discussion was organised on 4th March, 2018. An half and hour edit from the hour and half discussion can be viewed here:

DPUK Hall Sandle Taylor with Alaluusua

DPUK Hall Sandle Taylor with Alaluusua

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Study - Sketchbooks
Gallery Katariina, Helsinki, Finland
August 2016

Inglis / Brotherus, Shaw / Lagom, Wainwright.

Thirteen Narratives by Thirteen Artists About Their Sketchbooks
The Morgue, UAL, London, UK
April 2016

Brotherus, Gilbert, Scrivener, Hall, Farthing / Shaw, Hogan, Sandle / Howeson, Lagom, Farthing, Hall.

Driven to Draw: 20th Century Drawings and Sketchbooks from the Royal Academy's Collection
The Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
November 2011 - February 2012

Photograph courtesy of the Royal Academy.

Photograph courtesy of the Royal Academy.

Video sketchbooks of Michael Sandle was shown in the Driven to Draw exhibition in the Royal Academy of Arts.

© 2017 elisa alaluusua / created with

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